church leadership

7 Things Every Growing Church Struggles With

It’s easy to believe that there will come a day when your church will never struggle and you’ll never struggle as a leader. As tempting as that is to believe, it’s just not true. Every church struggles. And every leader struggles. And—yes—even growing churches…

The Post-Modern Church Leader’s Survival Checklist

church survival guide

Question: What does it take to survive in today’s church leadership environment as culture moves away from Christianity and into a more pluralistic, post-modern environment? Answer: More than it used to, and likely more than you think. The good news is…

11 Secrets Most Church Leaders Won’t Tell You

secrets leaders won't tell you

Leadership is a journey…a journey that’s probably different (and full of more secrets) than you thought it would be before you stepped into leadership. When I was young, I always thought leaders had it all figured out. That the uncertainty…