Search Results for burnout

The Art of Online Influence

Hi, I’m Carey Nieuwhof, best-selling author, podcaster, and blogger. Today, I create resources for 250,000 leaders per month about leadership, change, and growth.  But it wasn’t always that way.  I’d love to show you how you can take your platform…

The Art of Church Growth

Why do some churches keep growing in an era when most churches are plateaued or declining? Over the years, I’ve worked with thousands of pastors to help them understand the dynamics of church growth—and how to break past the barriers…

The Art of Team Leadership

In this training program, you’ll learn how to create a pipeline of leaders who execute on goals and give your mission the focus and care it deserves. You’re in the unique position to put high-impact leaders into high-impact positions.  Yet,…

The Art of Reaching

great people

People Are Spiritually Open… They Just Aren’t Attending. New research from Barna Group reveals that 77% believe in God or a higher power, 74% of Americans would like to grow spiritually, and 44% are more spiritually open than before the…

The Art of Preaching

What if you could… … even if you’ve been preaching for years. Imagine feeling confident that your message would connect on Sunday morning—knowing you’d deliver it clearly and truthfully. If you’re like most preachers, you’ve already tried piecing together the…