Encouraged or Discouraged?

Today, I want to encourage you.  And I mean that in the literal sense. To encourage means to give courage.  This isn't encouragement designed to make you feel good about yourself, it's affirmation designed to give you more boldness, to…

Apply Now

One the great things about the Revolutionary Love series at Connexus is that it's had such practical application points every week.  Bring food and clothing.  Buy a mosquito net.  Build a health clinic.  All tangible, "doable" stuff. To be honest,…

Tired of God?

Sometimes a verse just jumps off the page.  Had this happen to me this morning.  Check this out from Micah 6.3-5: “O my people, what have I done to you?      What have I done to make you tired of me?      Answer me!…

Why I Can't Stand Consumer Christianity

I like to make this blog about positive things, but once in a while I'll divert.  I think today is one of those days.  Revolutionary Love is stirring something in me.  I am so amazed to see hundreds of people…

How Much God? How Much Me?

It’s hard to know how to dance with God.  There are days when I think all I need to do is sit back and let God do all the work.  Interfering would just mess up what God wants to do. …

Unplugging to Recharge

Earlier tonight, I realized I am totally living in 2008.  I was answering text messages, email, facebook messages, being instant messaged on facebook, checking blog comments and twittering all at the same time. And the weird part is, I don’t…

Is This What God is Up to In Your Life?

Everyone once in a while when I read the Bible stuff pops up that I just plain never noticed before.  It’s been there for thousands of years.  I know I’ve read it before.  It’s just that I missed it. Earlier…

The Future Church

Had a call from a friend and colleague last night at home…a church leader who mentored me in my early years as a pastor and who provided all kinds of good counsel.  He’s probably 10-15 years my senior, and we…