
5 Wrong Motives for Church Growth

wrong motives

So you want your church to grow. Wonderful. Here’s a challenging question: why? Your motivation for wanting your church to grow is important for several reasons. First, it’s the church. It’s not your church, it’s God’s. And one day you’ll give…

How to Win the Battle In Your Head

battle in your head

Of all the challenges you face as a leader, one of the most intense is knowing how to win the battle that goes on in your head. Leadership is above all a mental (and therefore spiritual) game. You can have…

7 Warning Signs Your Church Culture Is Toxic

church culture is toxic

Every church has a culture. But how do you know if your church culture is toxic? More importantly, how would you know whether you’re creating a toxic church culture as a leader? I’ve interacted with many church leaders (and readers…