Personal Growth

21 Things No Leader Ever Regrets Doing

You probably already have some regrets as a leader. I know I do. Not only as a leader, but regrets as a husband, dad, and friend too. Leadership is so complicated that sometimes it’s hard to know what to focus…

5 Things You Can Do To Lead Well in Chaotic Times

This post is by Jenni Catron. Jenni is a leading voice on how to create world-class organizational culture. Jenni is the Founder and CEO of The 4Sight Group and is a member of my  Speaking/Consulting Team.  By Jenni Catron This season is requiring…

7 Tips on Dealing With Toxic People

toxic people

Leadership would be so much easier, the saying goes, if it wasn’t for people. And topping off the list of difficult people to work with or lead is toxic people. The hard part is, as much as we might wish…