How to Become a More Secure Leader

So you might be a little insecure as a leader, but how do you change that? If some of the signs of insecurity describe you, what do you do about it?   As I’ve wrestled this issue down in my…

Five Signs You are an Insecure Leader

So…let’s just be honest.  I’m a little insecure.  My guess is you might be too. Most leaders I know struggle with some level of insecurity.  In my next post, I’ll share some strategies that can really help getting past the…

Seven Signs You Don't Value Your Time

Like almost everybody, I have to make constant corrections to how I manage my time. There always seem to be more opportunities than time available, more inbox than there are hours, and more people wanting ‘just ten minutes’ than there…

Three Ways to Break the Status Quo

One of the chief enemies of your organization’s future is the status quo. Keep doing what you’re doing the way you’re doing it and eventually whatever you’re doing will run out of steam. There’s a reason they’re not still making…

Don't Blame Yourself

In yesterday’s blog post, we looked at the difference between leaders who accept responsibility and leaders who instead blame other people and things for their mistakes. Today I want to focus on a critical mistake many leaders make: in the…

Five Ways to Lose and Gain Influence

How do you gain and keep influence with people? Love them. It’s almost that simple, and it flow from this principle that’s true of almost all of us: We listen most to the people we love the most. This is…