6 High-Yield New Year’s Resolutions Every Leader Should Make

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If you’re like many leaders, you’re busy making resolutions this week. I think that’s a great idea.

Michael Hyatt outlines a number of compelling reasons you should actually write down your resolutions. The most persuasive for me is that you are 42% more likely to reach your goals if you write them down.

I was reminded of that this past week. When cleaning out a my office recently, I came across a list of written goals from 4 years ago.  There were over a dozen. I was both surprised and grateful to see I achieved 80% of them, and am on track to complete them all within the next two years (some were BIG goals).

You will have some resolutions that are specific and personal to you—which is great.

But there are some goals that every leader could benefit from accomplishing.

You are 42% more likely to accomplish your goals if you write them down. (Via @michaelhyatt) Click To Tweet

Here are 6 that continue to inspire and challenge me.

1. Work on your character as seriously as you work on your competency

It’s rare that competency fells top leaders; but character does.

As I’ve said before in this space, your competency will take you only as far as your character can sustain you.

A young leader I know recently took a weekend away to work on his character: he chose a time away to pray, reflect, journal and grow. Personally, I think that’s amazing.

Your competency will take you only as far as your character can sustain you. Click To Tweet

Here are a few ways to develop your character:

Pray about it. Seriously, nothing will grow your character as much as direct time with God asking him to show you what you need to work on.

Ask others how you’re doing. I love the question Jeff Henderson asks: What’s it like to be on the other side of me? If you’re prepared to hear the truth, you’ll grow.

Spend some time away working on it, like the young leader I mentioned did.

I realize this kind of effort might sound strange, but the truth is you’d spend three days at a conference sharpening your skills without thinking about it. Why not spend that much time developing your soul?

Think about the benefits of a goal like this.

If you only work on your competency, you become better at work. But if you work on your character, you become a better spouse, parent, friend, and person.

The benefits are life-changing.

It's rare that competency fells top leaders; but character does. Click To Tweet

2. Spend less time in meetings

This is a pet peeve of mine, but I am convinced too many leaders spend far too much time in meetings.

Meetings are often the enemy of your real work. The reason you work evenings and weekends is that you didn’t get your work done during the day, in great likelihood because you were in meetings.

Take a look at your schedule for a random week two months ago. Now, look at all the meetings you were in that week.

Can you remember a single thing from any of those meetings? Probably not, unless they were an annual off-site, a strategic planning meeting, or a brainstorming session to launch something new.

Chances are your week was consumed by the drivel of meetings that merely managed what you were currently doing. You could have cut those meetings in half and got your life back.

Need more convincing? Here are 5 compelling reasons to cut down the number of meetings you do.

Meetings are the enemy of your real work. Click To Tweet

3. Schedule the most important things

Sure, you waste a lot of time in unnecessary meetings.

But even if you cut your meetings in half, chances are you’re still struggling to get it all done.

This is why it’s a great idea to write your most important commitments into your calendar.

Commitments like family night, exercise, a day off, a message writing day, or whatever else you absolutely need to get done that nobody ever asks you to do.

Too many leaders spend their day responding to other people’s crises and in the process, create a crisis for themselves by being unable to manage their lives.

I wrote about how to schedule your life in this post, How to Stop Working 7 Days A Week.

4. Get up earlier

One of the top questions I get asked is, “How do you get everything done (church leadership, writing, blogging, speaking, podcasting, teaching, being a husband and dad)?

The answer is a little more complex than “I get up early,” but the reality is getting up early every day is critical to me getting everything I do, done.

You know this is true of traffic patterns.

Say you have four stores to hit on a Saturday morning. Arriving when the first store opens is much smarter than showing up at 2:00 p.m. Traffic is so much lighter first thing in the morning than mid-Saturday afternoon. Errands that take an hour early Saturday can take double to triple just hours later.

The same is true of work.

Nobody texts you at 5 a.m. Nor does anyone email you or call you about a problem that demands immediate attention.

You can move a LOT of freight before 8 a.m. if you work at it. If you’ve got young kids, even squeezing in an extra 30-60 minutes before they get up can mean you leave at 4 p.m. with your work done rather than leaving at 6 with an hour left to finish up after dinner.

Plus, generally speaking, you’re brighter and sharper in the morning than you are by 8:00 p.m. after a long day.

If you get your most important work done before breakfast, the rest of the day feels like a bonus rather than a burden.

If you get your most important work done before breakfast, the rest of the day feels like a bonus. Click To Tweet

5. Smile more

Everybody has a default expression on their face. Apparently, mine is that I look stressed and uptight.

I don’t feel stressed or uptight, but that’s how I come across to people because of my default look.

Years ago, I had to learn to change that.

The antidote? Smile more.

In meetings. While walking around the office. Even when preaching.

Ever notice more preachers look angry when they teach?

Smile more. You’ll influence more people.

It’s still a daily discipline, but it makes a big difference.

Most preachers look angry when they teach. Smile more. Click To Tweet

6. Decide your employees don’t work for you, but that you work for them

The best leaders realize that their employees don’t work for them; they work for their employees.

A servant’s heart beats within the best leaders; they treat their employees with kindness, respect, and empathy.

Rather than getting less from your team with this approach, you’ll actually get more. Motivated employees want to help their bosses succeed.

As the economy changes, this is even more important. Employee loyalty is down. Frustration is up. And the best workers today realize they have many options they could pursue.

What will often keep an employee with an organization long term is not just adequate pay or perks; it’s people.

If you start to serve your team with a whole heart, you’ll discover that your team wants to spend more time serving you.

You’ve prepared your sermon. You’re ready for Sunday... Or are you?

The #1 factor people look for in a church is the quality of the preaching. In fact, 86% of people choose a church based on that.

So if you step back and take a look in the mirror for a moment...

  • Does your sermon prep get the time it deserves?
  • And when was the last time you took a big step forward in becoming a better preacher?

Most Pastors aren't happy with the answers they give to those questions.

How to preach more engaging, memorable, and relevant sermons—starting as early as this week.

Now, take a minute to imagine feeling confident that your message would connect on Sunday morning, knowing you’d deliver it clearly and truthfully.

It’s time to ditch the random, stressful, and last-minute approach to becoming a better preacher and communicator.

Get a proven method to preach sermons that reach more people and grow your church in The Art of Preaching. It's the only program trusted by 3,000+ pastors over 5+ years—no matter the denomination or church size—that will transform your preaching from preparation to delivery.

  • You’ll save hours each week with a better sermon prep process.
  • You’ll write messages people remember for months… or even years.
  • You’ll deepen your own connection with the text, seeing things you never noticed before.
  • You’ll be able to (finally) deliver your message without using notes.
  • You’ll preach sermons that reach more people and transform the lives of churched and unchurched people alike.
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Carey Nieuwhof
Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof is a best-selling leadership author, speaker, podcaster, former attorney, and church planter. He hosts one of today’s most influential leadership podcasts, and his online content is accessed by leaders over 1.5 million times a month. He speaks to leaders around the world about leadership, change, and personal growth.