unchurched people

Church Engagement: 5 Reasons It Drives Church Growth

future church growth

As culture changes in front of our eyes, you might be wondering, what will drive future church growth? In addition, you’re probably frustrated that the things that used to help a church grow don’t ‘work’ anymore. You’re definitely not alone in your experience or…

7 Things Every Growing Church Struggles With

It’s easy to believe that there will come a day when your church will never struggle and you’ll never struggle as a leader. As tempting as that is to believe, it’s just not true. Every church struggles. And every leader struggles. And—yes—even growing churches…

The Evangelism Conversation No One Is Having

I was listening to a podcast recently that confirmed what many of us have intuitively known for a long time. People are having spiritual conversations every day…they just never think of turning to a preacher or the church for answers. I’m…