
5 Significant Signs You’ve Stopped Growing as a Leader

stopped growing

You’ve seen leaders who have stopped growing. It’s not a pretty sight. If you’ve stopped growing as a leader, you’ve stopped leading well. But often, the leaders who have stopped growing don’t realize it’s happened. After all, the people who lack self-awareness…

21 Things All Great Leaders Do

great leaders

Ever asked yourself: What do the great leaders do that other leaders (average and, well, poor) don’t? Greatness in leadership is in part born, but it’s also learned. Just because you have the instincts for leadership doesn’t make you a great…

5 Signs Your Passion Level in Ministry is White Hot

If there’s one characteristic I see in successful leaders, it’s passion. The more church leaders I connect with, the more I see this trend: leaders of growing churches (and growing organizations) have a white hot passion for their mission. You…