Pastors, Here’s Why Everyone’s So Mad at You Right Now

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You might be asking yourself, as a church leader, why does everyone seem so angry with me right now?

You’re not alone.

As pastor appreciation month fades into the rearview mirror, despite getting a few chocolates and a handful of thank you cards (or nothing…that’s happened before too), many church leaders I talk to are feeling more unappreciated, misunderstood, and more criticized than ever.

Criticism stings, and in a prolonged crisis like this one, just when you feel like you need more encouragement than usual, it feels like you’re getting all-time-high levels of static.

What’s going on?

Just so we don’t all go to a false pity party, let me say sometimes it’s definitely you.  I’ve made some significant leadership blunders myself. Maybe you did something to anger your team, upset your church, led change unwisely, or made some other decisions that really messed things up.

If that’s the case, the best thing to do is stop reading this post, talk to the people around you, get some help and make it right.

But if that’s not the case—and I’m guessing for most of you that’s not the case right now—what do you do when you’re giving your all, working hard day and night, and you really love the people you serve, and you still get a load of rage dumped on your doorstep?

What do you do when you throw your heart into it, and you still get an ALL CAPS EMAIL, an anonymous note, and people threatening to leave the church? Sure, you’re not perfect, but come on….really?

What’s up with that?

I’ve gone through some undeserved seasons of opposition and criticism before, as well.

Here are three factors that might help explain what’s happening, as well as three things that can help you push through the months ahead. We all need all the help we can get right now amid this crisis.

As pastor appreciation month fades into the rearview mirror, many church leaders are feeling more unappreciated, misunderstood and more criticized than ever. Click To Tweet

3 Factors That Create Undeserved Criticism

Undeserved criticism is the kind of criticism that either comes out of nowhere or that happens when people treat a 2 out of 10-level problem as though it were a 12 out of 10 issue. You know what I mean.

All of which leaves you feeling perplexed, hurt, agitated, isolated, defeated, and angry simultaneously.

You feel like you have nowhere to go, and over time, it diminishes your motivation to serve.

Why does that happen? Why do you get all kinds of static when there’s really nothing wrong?

Here are three reasons that happen all the time in the church and many organizations.

1. 95% of all problems in the church have nothing to do with the church

In the early days of ministry, I began to see a pattern.

The complaints people levied against the church often didn’t have anything to do with the church.

Yes, they were upset about the music or the direction, but if you drilled a little deeper, you soon discovered that there were other factors at work.

They were struggling at work, or their marriage was under a lot of stress, or they were battling addiction or really down on themselves.

Add the global crisis into the mix, and people are struggling deeply with fear, medical, financial, political, emotional, and relational stress unlike anything most have ever coped with.

No wonder they’re agitated. Under that kind of stress, people get agitated, and the anger has to come out somewhere. The church is an easy target.

95% of all problems in the church have nothing to do with the church. Click To Tweet

In the same way road rage is rarely about what happens on the highway, church rage is often not about what’s happening in the church. The guy who barely cut you off just bore the full weight of your unresolved issues at that moment.

This leads us back to the key point: 95% of all problems in the church have nothing to do with the church.

That doesn’t make the anger go away, but it can help you empathize more and take it less personally.

In the same way road rage is rarely about what happens on the highway, church rage is often not about what's happening in the church. Click To Tweet

2. Distance and division have made people ruder and bolder 

The pandemic has separated us from each other in so many ways.

As more of our life moves online and as personal contact becomes less frequent, you and I get bolder and ruder.

We live in an angry age, and the current crises have only made that worse. Far worse. (I outlined five reasons anger is the new epidemic here.)

Here’s what happens when we get separated from each other, in normal conditions but especially during a crisis: Distance between people desensitizes people.

Distance between people desensitizes people. Click To Tweet

Think of how you sometimes behave in your car. As already indicated, chances are, you’re naturally more aggressive there too—occasionally cutting people off, tailgating, honking your horn, and not caring nearly as much as you normally do.

Why do you behave differently in a car than when you’re not in a car?

Because you’re in a 3000-pound armored vehicle. You don’t see the guy bothering you as a person. You see him as a problem. So you get way more aggressive.

Even in the supermarket, you’re ruder when you have a shopping cart in your hands than when you don’t.

The same dynamic is at work in social media and online life, and any time we’re not eyeball-to-eyeball in the room with another human.

When you’re online and can’t see the whites of someone’s eyes, it’s just easier to shoot.

Bottom line? It’s never been easier to be known and hide simultaneously than it is online. And it’s never been easier to take pot shots at leaders than it is now.

So when you get those angry emails, letters, voicemails, and snappy comments, just know it’s often 10x more animated than it would be in-person.

Bottom line? It’s never been easier to be known and hide simultaneously than it is online. And it's never been easier to take pot shots at leaders than it is now.  Click To Tweet

3. You’re a little agitated too

Ever notice that on some days, little things bother you, while on other days, nothing seems to bother you (even criticism)?

What’s the difference?

The difference is you—some days little things get to you, and little things become big things. Other days, everything rolls off your back.

When you’re stressed, everything tends to bother you, including things that shouldn’t.

Guess what? You’re leading in an insanely complicated crisis. You’re stressed.

So something that wouldn’t get under your skin in normal times probably is getting under your skin today.

Something you would handle maturely and calmly has now got you cracking on the inside.

That’s natural. It’s a really tough season.

The best strategy when I know I’m not in a good place is to take a break. You never respond well when you’re angry or irritated. Neither do I.

Pray, get some sleep, talk to a friend and come back at it with a fresh mind and heart.

The situation won’t have changed, but you’ll be better. And when you’re better, things tend to get better.

Leader, when you're better, things tend to get better. Click To Tweet

3 Keys To Getting Healthier

So what do you do?

In terms of replying to the people who are mad at you, these five pro tips on how to handle criticism will help. Every time I use them, the situation gets better. Every time I ignore them, I make things worse, not better. In and of itself, Pro Tip #4—Reply Relationally—is a very effective tension diffuser and conflict de-escalator.

So start there.

But it’s deeper than that.

You probably still have months—or even a year—of this crazy upside-down season ahead of you in leadership. I want you to make it through the long haul.

So here are three longer-term strategies that can help you lead healthier and stay healthier.

1. Grieve your losses

This has been a season of incredible loss. In normal times, people in ministry suffer losses every day.

Think about it.

Every time someone leaves your ministry or steps back from your team, it’s a loss.  Whenever you give something only to find ingratitude, it’s a loss.  Every time someone tells you you’re great, but you should really see the other awesome guy, it’s a loss.

Add in death, illness, and strained or lost relationships and, well, you get the picture.

Then add all the complexity, shock, and insanity that 2020 has been into the mix, and it’s just so much loss.

A mentor of mine once told me that, in his view, so many pastors quit ministry or lose their effectiveness not because any one incident made them snap or quit – but rather because the loss that provoked their exit is tied to dozens or hundreds of ungrieved losses along the way.

They might not even understand why they’re stepping back, shutting down, or resigning.  All they know is they just can’t take it anymore. (My mentor, Terry Wardle, explains that theory here.)

When I first heard of this theory, I had so much ungrieved loss it took me about a month of tears to move through it.

Since then, one of the practices I’ve adopted is to grieve my losses as they happen.

I take time daily and weekly to review what’s bothering me and simply pray about it. Sometimes I talk to others about it.

I try to let myself stop and feel what I’ve experienced.  And when I feel it, something surprising happens – the negative feeling pretty much disappears.

If I do it promptly when a loss occurs, I can even respond to a four out of ten email or remark with a two out of ten reply – not a twelve. I can actually offer grace.

If you want to stay healthy, grieve your losses. You’ve had a lot of loss.

Many pastors quit ministry or lose their effectiveness not because any one incident made them snap or quit – but rather because the loss that provoked their exit is tied to dozens or hundreds of ungrieved losses along the way.   Click To Tweet

2. Get Around Some Life-Giving People

So much of ministry and leadership involves giving. And because ministry is giving, it can be draining.

I frequently ask ministry leaders, “When was the last time you went out for dinner with a couple and laughed so hard you cried? You know, a lost-track-of-time-completely kind of dinner?”

The blank looks and the looks of shock and disappointment on leaders’ faces tell the story.

We don’t do this nearly enough.

Your leadership is like a bank account. You can only give so much without becoming overdrawn. Be overdrawn long enough, and you go bankrupt.

Go find some friends who energize you. Then, hang out.

So much of ministry and leadership is giving. And because ministry is giving, it can be draining. Click To Tweet

3. Embrace a sustainable pace…before it’s too late

This crisis has gone on way longer than anyone either wanted it to or than most (including me) thought it would.

Most leaders are dead tired.  And many leaders are still holding out for some time off for their sanity and for the way to make it through.  Time off is wonderful.

But time off can’t save you if the problem is how you spend your time on.

Time off can’t save you if the problem is how you spend your time on. Click To Tweet

And the problem with most leaders is not how we spend our time off. It’s how we spend our time on.

Moving forward, definitely take some time off but focus even more intensely on creating a sustainable rhythm for every day.

The mantra I’ve lived by for the last decade-plus is to live in a way today that will help you thrive tomorrow.

Do that, and you’ll lead through this crisis so much more effectively.

Live in a way today that will help you thrive tomorrow.   Click To Tweet

Living in a way today that will help me thrive tomorrow will help me figure out everything from how much sleep I need, how many meetings to take, how many decisions I can reasonably make, and how to replenish myself daily so I can lead at home and work.

This might take constant adjustment on your part, but it’s worth it.

More time off isn’t the solution for an unsustainable pace. A sustainable pace is the solution for an unsustainable pace.

More time off isn't the solution for an unsustainable pace. A sustainable pace is the solution for an unsustainable pace.  Click To Tweet

You’ve prepared your sermon. You’re ready for Sunday... Or are you?

The #1 factor people look for in a church is the quality of the preaching. In fact, 86% of people choose a church based on that.

So if you step back and take a look in the mirror for a moment...

  • Does your sermon prep get the time it deserves?
  • And when was the last time you took a big step forward in becoming a better preacher?

Most Pastors aren't happy with the answers they give to those questions.

How to preach more engaging, memorable, and relevant sermons—starting as early as this week.

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Carey Nieuwhof
Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof is a best-selling leadership author, speaker, podcaster, former attorney, and church planter. He hosts one of today’s most influential leadership podcasts, and his online content is accessed by leaders over 1.5 million times a month. He speaks to leaders around the world about leadership, change, and personal growth.